Language, Speech, and Voice AI Technology Consulting and Engineering

Workflow Automation

Customer Engagement

Report Generation

Data Redaction

Risk Profiling

Sense Check

(1 hr - 1 day)

Technology reality check
Technical due diligence
AI+ML capability overview
Market overview
Management briefing
Technical team debriefing


(A few days or weeks)

Technology audit
Team recruitment advisor
Investment pitch inputs
Technology roadmapping
Data asset audit
Data value chain audit
Infrastructure asset audit


(months to years)

AI strategy review
R&D review and audit
Equity-free funding review
Technical project planning
Project management
Team recruitment


(Tailored to your project)

Ad-hoc consulting
Execution and delivery
Contractor assessment
Damage assessment
Stakeholder engagement

© 2023 is a trading name of Chilton Computing Ltd, UK

(Registration: 11246679, England | Established: 2018 | VAT: GB303847706)